Sushma Singh
"Joyful Healer"

"Be The Joy To Bring Joy All Around You"

Welcome to my space where anything is truly possible!
Would you like to embark on a journey of change, fun, body processes and possibilities with me?

When you perceive something you can create that possibility into reality. I truly love the life I live; traveling, relationships, money, my body and my being. The limitations and blocks are being deleted and my life just keeps getting better. I would like to share some powerful tools with you and empower you to choose the possibility and magic that you would like to create with your life? Are you ready?

Sushma is a holistic healer with hands on experience. She is also a facilitator for holistic courses. She is a certified Access Bars® Facilitator, Access Body Process Facilitator, a qualified different other modalities, Meditation and Mudra Therapist. Her experience with these processes give amazing results for her clients.

She is a true lover and an ambassador of love. Her spirit and persona can allure and absorb anyone. She is so real and raw that your imperfections make you even more lovable. With her loving spirit, she spreads joy all around. That’s the reason people call her “Joyful Healer”

Love & Joy
Yes, Love is greatest healing energy in this universe.

What if everything in your life could come with ease, joy and glory?
That includes the good, the bad and the ugly too!

If you could receive everything and judge nothing, especially you, would that change your world a little or a lot?

I always felt at the effect of the constant judgement I saw in everyone's' world. This made me sad and frustrated about functioning from what I decided were all my personal limitations seemed to be my only choice for living on this planet. Not much fun!

I was so relieved, excited and grateful when I was introduced to Access Consciousness and other holistic modalities. Everything started changing ... I became willing to see where I have judged me, and where I had decided I had been handed a life-sentence of limitation, and that it was all just an interesting point of view, not real or true at all! And, even better, I became aware that I really could choose something different, like I could just choose to be happy... and that I can create a life of JOY and EASE.. I just had to be willing to have that much ease and joy!

Does this sound like something you would like showing up in your life?
What if you would see the amazing gift you are and never judge you, or anything, ever again?
What kind of world could you create then? :)

I am available in both for personal sessions & group class, also Skype sessions and I love to travel and welcome invitations to anywhere, so give me a call and let’s see what’s possible and let’s create joy & fun.

“Happiness is a choice and there is nowhere to go to find it, let’s create it.”

Joyful Love to You! :)

with Gratitude, spread Joy around you
Get Started NOW!